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08045813387S.K. Brand Semi Automatic FluteLaminator Machine with:
* Suitable to laminate 3 Ply Corrugatedliner with manually feed top paper.
* Minimum 180gsm, 18 BF at a maximumspeed of 1500 sheets per hour depending upon the efficiency of the operator tofeed top paper.
* Strong Suction motor to hold theliner which is delivered by moving belts.
* Electromagnetic Breakingsystem PLC
controlledto guarantee smooth & precise
high speed sheet sending.
* Liners Controlledby photocells to avoid
problems with missing top paper.
* Inverters to control speed oflaminating unit & pressure conveyor unit. Length of pressure conveyor 20Feet.
* Automatic glue supply system toensure full measure of glue for optimum control & minimum consumption.
* LED Digital Counting display tocalculate productivity.
* Floor space: 10 Feet x 40 Feet & Weight of machine 5Metric Tons (Approx.)